HUSKEE RENEW: 12oz Amber


8oz or 12oz

Huskee Renew has been meticulously crafted for the best drinking experience, while also being super tough to handle whatever life throws at it.

Huskee Renew is a durable, stain-resistant, and dishwasher-safe reusable cup. Made from Tritan Renew 50, it is certified 50% post-consumer recycled material. This material was chosen for its durability, stain resistance and clarity which is not affected by washing. All Huskee products are also part of the closed-loop HuskeeLoop recycling program, where end-of-life cups can be returned and turned into new products.

We'll thrown in a free coffee with every Huskee Renew purchase at the PIQUE Coffee Bar, or when you choose local pick up. 

Original Huskee Cups are also available.

Colour Amber

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