BOLIVIA | Floripondio Geisha
BOLIVIA | Floripondio Geisha
BOLIVIA | Floripondio Geisha

BOLIVIA | Floripondio Geisha


ORIGIN: Boliva
FARM: Floripondio
PRODUCER: Los Rodriguez Family

Candy Shop coffees are roasted for filter only.



Only left in stock

This is the first PIQUE Coffee in our new Candy Shop Series, sure to wow your tastebuds!

This very special 600kg microlot comes from Floripondio, a farm located in a new growing region in Bolivia called Samaipata, located 120km from the city of Santa Cruz, at the foot of the Bolivian Andes.

Floripondio was established in 2014, is 29ha in size and sits at a staggering 1,710m above sea level. This high altitude, combined with the region’s fairly extreme climate (from 25-30°C during the day to 8-10°C at night), makes the ripening process of the cherries slow down, and the sugars of the fruit concentrate in the cherry and bean, which in turn helps produce an incredibly sweet and complex coffee.

Floripondio is one of the more recent coffee farms planted by the Rodruguez family, where they have been experimenting with specialty coffee. Historically, this region has not been known for producing coffee, but after their exceptional success at their first farm in the region, El Fuerte, the Rodriguez family have continued investing more heavily in the region, planting four more farms and building a wet mill to process the coffee.

You won't be disappointed with this one!

Shipping Info

1:16 Ratio - 18g per 300ml

Candy Shop coffees are roasted for filter only.


This is the first PIQUE Coffee in our new Candy Shop Series, sure to wow your tastebuds!

This very special 600kg microlot comes from Floripondio, a farm located in a new growing region in Bolivia called Samaipata, located 120km from the city of Santa Cruz, at the foot of the Bolivian Andes.

Floripondio was established in 2014, is 29ha in size and sits at a staggering 1,710m above sea level. This high altitude, combined with the region’s fairly extreme climate (from 25-30°C during the day to 8-10°C at night), makes the ripening process of the cherries slow down, and the sugars of the fruit concentrate in the cherry and bean, which in turn helps produce an incredibly sweet and complex coffee.

Floripondio is one of the more recent coffee farms planted by the Rodruguez family, where they have been experimenting with specialty coffee. Historically, this region has not been known for producing coffee, but after their exceptional success at their first farm in the region, El Fuerte, the Rodriguez family have continued investing more heavily in the region, planting four more farms and building a wet mill to process the coffee.

You won't be disappointed with this one!

Shipping Info


1:16 Ratio - 18g per 300ml

Candy Shop coffees are roasted for filter only.

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