SUMATRA Putra Gayo Single Origin Coffee Beans by PIQUE
SUMATRA Putra Gayo Single Origin Coffee Beans by PIQUE
SUMATRA Putra Gayo Mill, Single Origin Coffee Beans Roasted by PIQUE
SUMATRA Putra Gayo Mill, Iwannitosa Putra, Single Origin Coffee Beans by PIQUE
SUMATRA Putra Gayo Mill, Single Origin Coffee Beans Roasted by PIQUE

SUMATRA | Putra Gayo

Available for espresso only

ORIGIN: Sumatra
FARM: Putra Gayo Mill
VARIETY: Ateng, Bor Bor, Catimor, Timor
PRODUCER: Iwannitosa Putra
ALTITUDE: 1400-1650 MASL


Only left in stock

We're excited to be showcasing our first Sumatran coffee, a deliciously sweet and mellow cup with jammy citrus notes.

Putra Gayo Farm and Mill is owned and operated by Iwannitosa Putra and serves two sub-regions of Aceh. Among the 275,000 coffee trees, banana, orange, avocado and jackfruit trees grow to provide shade across the 250 hectare farm. 

Iwannitosa specialises in both washed and natural coffee, which is unusual for Sumatra, where they are mostly wet-hulled. This washed coffee is fermented for 10-12 hours, then dried for around 10 days to ensure maximum flavour.

Come try it for yourself at the PIQUE Coffee Bar!


Shipping Info

1:16 Ratio - 18g per 300ml




We're excited to be showcasing our first Sumatran coffee, a deliciously sweet and mellow cup with jammy citrus notes.

Putra Gayo Farm and Mill is owned and operated by Iwannitosa Putra and serves two sub-regions of Aceh. Among the 275,000 coffee trees, banana, orange, avocado and jackfruit trees grow to provide shade across the 250 hectare farm. 

Iwannitosa specialises in both washed and natural coffee, which is unusual for Sumatra, where they are mostly wet-hulled. This washed coffee is fermented for 10-12 hours, then dried for around 10 days to ensure maximum flavour.

Come try it for yourself at the PIQUE Coffee Bar!


Shipping Info


1:16 Ratio - 18g per 300ml



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